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https://www.biud.com.cn 2014年10月27日15:50 家居装修知识网  

你是否能想象,蔬菜拥有如同薯条一般的口感?依附在毛巾上的污垢“瞬间”就能一扫而光?你又是否能想象,随处可见的塑料瓶也能引领时尚潮流?在本届伊莱克斯设计实验室的参赛作品之中,这些都成为了现实。2014年,伊莱克斯设计实验室大赛组委会共收到1700多个创意作品,这些作品为未来 家居 的烹饪乐趣、织物呵护以及空气净化提供了多个解决办法。本届比赛的冠军将从6位入围选手中诞生,他们将在2014年11月12日在巴黎将自己的作品与创意呈现给评审团。

此次入围总决赛的六名选手中就有来自中国的女大学生,Pan Wang将带着她的“自然虚拟商店购物体验”作品向总决赛发起冲击。另外五位来自世界各地的天才设计学生也将带着各自的作品来到巴黎,参加最后决赛,以下通过六强作品我们将穿越时空,与未来 家居 来一次亲密接触。


  设计者:Micha Po piech



  设计者:Fulden Dehneli



  设计者:Sorina R steanu



  设计者:Pan Wang






  设计者:Leobardo Armenta


一等奖将颁给评审团认为最具突破性的未来 家居 设计作品的作者,其将获得在伊莱克斯全球设计中心为期六个月的带薪实习以及5000欧元奖金。二等奖、三等奖获得者将分别获得3000和2000欧元奖金。投票最高的作品将荣获“人民选择奖”,其作者可获得1000欧元奖金。公众投票阶段现已结束,得票最多者将在法国巴黎的最终盛宴上公布。



Electrolux Announces Design Lab 2014 Finalists

In the future, vegetables can be made taste like potato chips, towels can be cleaned in seconds and fashion created from plastic bottles, according to contestants at the Electrolux Design Lab competition. In 2014 the global student design competition received over 1 700 submissions offering solutions to Culinary Enjoyment, Fabric Care and Air Purification in the future home environments. The winner of the competition will be chosen from the top six finalists after presenting their concepts to a jury in Paris, November 12, 2014.

Six talented design students from around the world will impress the jury with their innovations; a cleaning towel hanger by Leobardo Armenta from Mexico, an air purifier resembling a lotus flower by Fulden Dehneli from Turkey, a cone shaped flying air cleaner by Micha Po piech from Poland, smart kitchenware recreating tastes by Sorina R steanu from Romania, a nature inspired virtual grocery shopping experience by Pan Wang from China / UK and a fashion appliance turning plastic bottles into clothes by Kovács Apor from Hungary.

 1. UrbanCONE

Country: Poland

Designer: Micha Po piech

University: The Jan Matejko Academy of Fine Arts, Poland

UrbanCONE creates healthy microclimates outdoors as it can purify the air around the entire city – as well as in our homes. The device lifts up and flies in the air thanks to ultra light construction and photovoltaic solar panel wings moving according to the resemblance of a jellyfish. The purification is made by exchangeable filters that lie underneath the wings of the cones. UrbanCONE is an automatic, radio-controlled smart device, which clusters in population centers with greater need for filtration.

2. Lotus

Country: Turkey

Designer: Fulden Dehneli

University: Middle East Technical University, Turkey

Lotus is an air purifier with three portable and rechargeable air cleaning balls. While the main body offers a general purification, the balls can be taken anywhere according to need. These three rechargeable balls named Pure Ball, Odor Ball and Humid Ball aim to accomplish specific tasks. Super Plasma Ion Technology generates active hydrogen and oxygen ions which eliminate biological contaminants and active oxygen where they locate. Portable units are useful in situations where localized purification is necessary such as cooking, sleeping and closet cleaning.


Country: Romania

Designer: Sorina R steanu

University: West University Of Timisoara, Romania

Set to Mimic is a set of smart kitchenware that recreates tastes and smells of your food to your preference. By placing a noninvasive transparent gel patch with a microchip on your head, the plate and glass communicates wirelessly with your brain, to make you experience a taste or smell from the past by tapping in to your memory. That way you can eat a carrot but have the impression that youre eating an ice cream or a steak, which makes it easier to lead a healthy life.


Country: United Kingdom

Designer: Pan Wang

University: Masters Industrial Design, China

Central Saint Martins , United Kingdom

Future Hunter-Gatherer is a virtual grocery shopping experience inspired by nature. It projects a hologram that lets the user play a game to gather food by fishing, hunting or gathering the food from nature. The food the user collects in the game is then transmitted to the local grocery store or market, that in turn gathers the goods and deliver them to the user’s door. In addition to making the shopping experience more fun, it also gives kids a better understanding of where the food they eat actually comes from.

 5. Pete

Country: Poland

Designer: Kovács Apor

University: Moholy-Nagy University of Art and Design Budapest, Hungary

The PETE concept merges plastic bottles and creates garments from them according to your taste. The consumer only has to choose the required clothing type, colour and cutting, while the machine gives the amount of PET bottles needed for the fabrication and turns the bottles into polyester and prints the garments. This method creates a natural recycling method for plastic bottles and turns the consumer into an eco-designer.

 6. Pure Towel

Country: Mexico

Designer: Leobardo Armenta

University: Universidad Autonoma De Ciudad Juarez, Mexico

PureTowel is a smart towel hanger that instantly cleans your towel after usage, creating a cleaner and healthier bathroom. Using an ultra violet ray and a high speed dryer fan, it purifies and dries the towel in only a matter of seconds. By eliminating 99.9% of the bacteria in a towel and reducing humidity it helps the user to stay healthy and clean.


2012伊莱克斯设计实验室圆满落幕 空气净化球捧得桂冠
一触智能 易享烹饪 伊莱克斯睿焰燃气灶
一触智能 易享烹饪——伊莱克斯新品睿焰燃气灶解析
爱家男神王力宏 伊莱克斯瑞彼得吸尘器家务成享受

本文来自 家居装修知识网 一中国学生入围2014年伊莱克斯设计实验室 https://biud.com.cn/news-view-id-464702.html