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索普瑞玛集团研发总监拉萨尔先生 简介

https://www.biud.com.cn 2015年07月30日17:02 家居装修知识网  

  CV F. Lassalle

  Name and title: 

  LASSALLE, François, 

  Sopranature Research and development Director (Soprema Group)

  拉萨尔先生    索普瑞玛集团研发总监


  Born in 1952, basic education in literature, high school education and training in horticulture. Large experience in gardening and garden management (Public authorities). 


  Joined the Soprema waterproofing company in 1989, to create the Sopranature system (Green roofs systems, and since 2007, Vertical green systems Vivagreen) . Over time, this activity has generated several thousand implementations in the green roofs field, providing vast experience. 


  2002: co-founder, 2002-2007 and 2009-2013 president of ADIVET (French association for green roofs and façades)

  2002: 法国绿色屋顶和墙面协会ADIVET联合创始人,于2002-2007及2009-2013期间任主席一职

  2008:  author of a book on the use of green roofs in construction: “Végétalisation extensive des terrasses et  toitures”(French edition Le Moniteur).

  2008: 完成了“Végétalisation extensive des terrasses et  toitures”(法国Le Moniteur出版社)一书,详细阐述了绿色屋面在建筑中的运用。

  2008: Board member of the WGIN (World green infrastructure network)

  2008: 世界绿色基础设施组织WGIN的董事会成员

  2009:  President of the French commission on European norms for green roofs

  2009: 欧洲绿色屋顶规范法国委员会主席

  2013: President of the steering committee WGIC 2013 (Nantes, France)

  2013: 2013 WGIC指导委员会主席(法国南特市)

  2014-2015: France representative for foreign questions. Chairman of the working group “Green façades” by ADIVET.

  2014-2015: ADIVET代表团“绿色墙面”议题主席,法方发言人代表。

  2015: Author of the chapter “International environmental labels” in the WGIN’s  book “Green cities in the world”.

  2015: 在WGIN组织发表的“世界绿色城市”一书中,撰写了“国际环境标志”一章。

  Expertise: 专长

  François LASSALLE’s background and skills concerns the relationship between local climate, biotope and plants in the frame of extensive green roofs. 

  He travelled, worked and learned about green roofs in many countries, such as Spain, UK, Poland, Canada, USA, China, central Africa, Middle East, South Africa, Latin America, Indian Ocean,…



索普瑞玛集团研发总监拉萨尔先生 简介
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本文来自 家居装修知识网 索普瑞玛集团研发总监拉萨尔先生 简介 https://biud.com.cn/news-view-id-578845.html